2024 AV Chili Cook-Off

Antelope Valley District BSA Units

Please join us for the 

Date: September 21, 2024
Time: 5-7pm
Location: AV Church, 3830 W. Ave. L-8, Lancaster, CA

Please help us plan appropriately by adding your name to our sign-up list. This will make our event more successful!

Support Scouting in the Antelope Valley!
Bring your family and join us for an evening of chili and fun!
Enter a pot of chili for our tasting contest! There is no fee to enter a chili, and you could win a special prize for your culinary creation! (For judging categories and chili guidelines, please email [email protected]).
Want to sample each entry? The purchase of a “tasting ticket” will allow you to have a taste of every chili entry. Additional “single taste tickets” will be available for purchase, also.
Want more than just a taste? The purchase of an adult or youth “dinner ticket” will allow you to get a bowl of chili (or mac and cheese, if you are not able to eat chili), a side (cornbread or chips), a cookie dessert, and a water.
We will have age-appropriate challenge (Minute-to-Win-It) games for Cub to AOL-age (5th grade and below) youth from 5-5:45 p.m. while the adults are tasting.
From 6-7 p.m., families can share dinner together and the winners of the chili-tasting contest will be announced.
Your generous support will help with Scouting needs in the Antelope Valley District.
Cost (please pay at the event):
  • Tasting Ticket: $10.00 (one taste of each chili entry)
  • Single Taste Tickets: $1.00 each (if you want to do some additional tasting)
Dinner Ticket:
  • Adult – $15.00 (Scout and above) – bowl of chili*, cornbread or chips, cookie dessert, water
  • Youth – $10.00 (Cub to AOL) – small bowl of chili*, cornbread or chips, cookie, water
*Mac and Cheese can be substituted for chili, if desired.