Who makes a good Commissioner? Anyone who understands the value of the Scouting program, for the growth and development of the youth, and the benefit it brings to the community. These include, parents of Scouts, Scout leaders (both current and past), and community leaders (not necessarily current Scouters). So the question is- Are you willing to use, and pass on, your hard earned knowledge and experience, to the leaders of our future. If so, serving as a Commissioner is a perfect for you.
The District is always looking for additional Commissioners. In addition to Unit Commissioners, who serve specific Units, there are Roundtable Commissioners, which plan the monthly Roundtable meetings, and a variety of specialized position Commissioners. If you would like to know more about the available Commissioner positions, or, if you are interested in becoming a Commissioner, at any level, please contact me (contact information below).
All Commissioner meetings are currently held through Zoom, and are announced, as scheduled.
I appreciate the time you donate as well as all you do for Scouting, and the youth in the Scouting organization.
Evan Gillins: (661) 400-5155
[email protected]
What is a Commissioner?
As commissioners, we share the BSA’s mission: To prepare youth to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Every member of the BSA has a great Scouting experience.
- Supporting unit growth and retention through the journey to excellence.
- Contacting units and capturing in commissioner tools their strengths, needs, and a unit service plan that enables continuing improvement.
- Linking unit needs to district operating committee and other resources.
- Supporting timely unit, district, and council charter renewals.
- Supporting unit leaders by collecting and distributing information, enabling program training, and providing networking opportunities.
- Enable an increased number of units.
- Enable the retention rate of units.
- Enable implementation of a unit service plan through collaborative detailed assessments and an increased number of significant unit contacts.
- The Unit Roadmap
- New Member Coordinators
- Unit Key 3
- The Unit Service Plan
- Journey to Excellence
- My.Scouting Tools (Including Commissioner Tools)
- Continuous Recruiting
- Assigning Resources to Greatest Needs